Repair Café
If there's one thing we've learned over time, it's that not everything needs to be discarded when it stops working. The Repair Café is an incredible initiative that has come to life. In this blog, we will delve into the details of this community dedicated to repairing household appliances, 3D printers, bicycles, computers, and clothing, thus promoting circular economy and sustainability. By being part of this community, you are building a more sustainable future, where resources are used responsibly, and creativity is applied to extend the lifespan of objects.

What is the Repair Café?
For those who haven't had the pleasure of knowing, the Repair Café is a project by Viva Lab where experts and enthusiasts come together to fix damaged items. Instead of discarding and replacing.

Bring What Needs Repair
If you haven't participated in a Repair Café event yet, we invite you to join us at the next opportunity. Bring that malfunctioning household appliance, the bicycle stored in the corner of the garage, or that 3D printer in need of a new life. And don't forget to invite friends and family; the more, the merrier!
Projects Completed and Community Success
Throughout its activities, the Repair Café has accumulated an impressive list of successful projects. From reviving old household appliances to breathing new life into worn-out clothes.
Stay Tuned for the Next Event!
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